Who are the Watch Dogs of our Watch Dogs???
In local government who is the overseer of the shelters?
There is a possible situation going on in Kern County.
Ultimately, the overseer of this shelter is the Kern County Board of Supervisors. http://www.co.kern.ca.us/bos/ If youclick on the link for each supervisor, there is contact information. A nicely worded letter asking them what they have done aboutthis situation would be appropriate (meaning: have you literallyTOLD the shelter to feed the dogs more food (we have a memoin hand from March of 2004 instructing staff to *cover thebottom of the bowl* with food. Clearly, this practice is underfeeding).
In the case of this dog in the photo.
There was a note on the kennel door stating the dog was tobe fed 3x/day. However, a dog coming in in such an emaciatedcondition NEEDED CLINICAL INTERVENTION. Many dogs, inthe beginning stages and intermediate stages of starvationwill NOT eat. (cats likewise). Frequently, they are given IVfluids for several days to rehydrate their bodies, and tostimulate their appetite. This dog, however, was given NO such treatment which is where their error clearly was. By the time he was gotten out, having to be carried to thecar as he could not walk, he had been in the shelterat least 10 days... going deeper and deeper into starvation each day.
ADVISORY:The photos are brutal.
I am still working on the other photos please check back later
At the last Board of Superviusors meeting, they votedto do a Shelter Audit. As many of you know, HSUSand other groups do such audits. Clearly, it is neededand something I have supported, as have many others,from the beginning. As far as I know, however, therewas NO instruction to feed the animals more food, orto feed twice daily (as it should be... see CaliforniaPenal Code Section 597e). When I was there lastSaturday ALL of the dogs in the publicly viewableadoptables section had bowls of food in their runs. The dogs behind the locked gate, however, did not. Our protocol when removing dogs has become this: Open feed for at least one week. Give Boardatellaupon arrival at rescue. Treat for parasites (there isa lot of coccidia and giardia coming out of there, anda LOT of internal parasistes (not just tapeworm). Wait a few days, administer dhlpp. spay/neuter, rabies. The shelter cannot be blamed for the parasites, andprobably not for coccidia or giardia. As we havesurmised, many of the dogs we bail from therewere never properly cared for.
Many take several weeks to put on weight sothey can be sp/neut. This problem is not one ofbreeds that often have eating issues (e.g. German Sheps),it appears in all breeds and mixes rather uniformly. And remember, by the time they get to rescue, theyalso often have diahrrhea because they have had threefood changes (home/shelter/rescue) in often lessthan 7-10 days. Trypically, dogs should be weanedoff one food and onto another, so having the runs is not atypical.
The longer the dogs stay here (and some are herefor perhaps 3 weeks if an owner letter is sent)the more weight they have been losing.
The info in red was given to me by a rescuer who has first hand knowledge of the situation.
There is a possible situation going on in Kern County.
Ultimately, the overseer of this shelter is the Kern County Board of Supervisors. http://www.co.kern.ca.us/bos/ If youclick on the link for each supervisor, there is contact information. A nicely worded letter asking them what they have done aboutthis situation would be appropriate (meaning: have you literallyTOLD the shelter to feed the dogs more food (we have a memoin hand from March of 2004 instructing staff to *cover thebottom of the bowl* with food. Clearly, this practice is underfeeding).
In the case of this dog in the photo.
There was a note on the kennel door stating the dog was tobe fed 3x/day. However, a dog coming in in such an emaciatedcondition NEEDED CLINICAL INTERVENTION. Many dogs, inthe beginning stages and intermediate stages of starvationwill NOT eat. (cats likewise). Frequently, they are given IVfluids for several days to rehydrate their bodies, and tostimulate their appetite. This dog, however, was given NO such treatment which is where their error clearly was. By the time he was gotten out, having to be carried to thecar as he could not walk, he had been in the shelterat least 10 days... going deeper and deeper into starvation each day.
ADVISORY:The photos are brutal.
I am still working on the other photos please check back later

At the last Board of Superviusors meeting, they votedto do a Shelter Audit. As many of you know, HSUSand other groups do such audits. Clearly, it is neededand something I have supported, as have many others,from the beginning. As far as I know, however, therewas NO instruction to feed the animals more food, orto feed twice daily (as it should be... see CaliforniaPenal Code Section 597e). When I was there lastSaturday ALL of the dogs in the publicly viewableadoptables section had bowls of food in their runs. The dogs behind the locked gate, however, did not. Our protocol when removing dogs has become this: Open feed for at least one week. Give Boardatellaupon arrival at rescue. Treat for parasites (there isa lot of coccidia and giardia coming out of there, anda LOT of internal parasistes (not just tapeworm). Wait a few days, administer dhlpp. spay/neuter, rabies. The shelter cannot be blamed for the parasites, andprobably not for coccidia or giardia. As we havesurmised, many of the dogs we bail from therewere never properly cared for.
Many take several weeks to put on weight sothey can be sp/neut. This problem is not one ofbreeds that often have eating issues (e.g. German Sheps),it appears in all breeds and mixes rather uniformly. And remember, by the time they get to rescue, theyalso often have diahrrhea because they have had threefood changes (home/shelter/rescue) in often lessthan 7-10 days. Trypically, dogs should be weanedoff one food and onto another, so having the runs is not atypical.
The longer the dogs stay here (and some are herefor perhaps 3 weeks if an owner letter is sent)the more weight they have been losing.
The info in red was given to me by a rescuer who has first hand knowledge of the situation.
Dear Denise R. Haynes:
Animal Services Control Division Chief
Why do you people insist upon calling the Kern County Hell Holes, "Shelters". Do you know what a shelter is? A Shelter is a safe haven or sanctuary. These are neither.
And when you state you would be equally disturbed if you thought this type of behavior was occurring - were you referring solely to Francis' sad situation, or to the general welfare of all the animals at the Kern County Hell Holes they wish to call shelters? Surely had you seen the evidence of such brutality, cruelty, evilness goings on at said Hell Holes, you would be at least disturbed, correct? Or am I wrong here?
90 percent of the animals going in these Hell Holes never see the light of day again, and just on the first day. Check out www.shelterwatch.com - They are euthanized with huge inappropriate needles by personnel who know nothing about this procedure. They are tossed down chutes made to fight to their death, and the survivers eat the others. They are tortured and frightened beyond comprehension, and there is nothing legal about this. You people do not even follow your own rules and regulations let alone the Courts who have recently ordered them. And you dare Denise Haynes to call them "shelters"! They are not safe havens or sanctuaries, are they? They are HELL HOLE DUNGEONS!
Should I have any further questions Denise? You bet I have! For starters, I was under the impression that Francis was a male Boxer - am I incorrect here?
I have also been told, and could not bring myself to look at the pictures of this dog, that he was skin and bones, and couldn't survive when Ursula Sauthier of Boxer Rescue lifted his poor little body in her arms. If this is so, then how in the world can you say "She was active". Have you seen the pictures?
You stated to Ms. Johnson that you were not aware of the source of your information, and would be equally disturbed if I thought this type of behavior was occurring. What about the pictures? Do you think that the pictures are lies? Have you even seen the pictures?
And you didn't feel a vet should have been called in?
Surely you know why the Supervisor, Matt Constantine was fired and the reason the kennel workers were all ordered to attend school to teach them how to humanly euthanize the animals. How could you possibly allow this to happen, if you claim to be such a humane woman?
You people have not followed the laws and regulations set down for your facilities, and even after the Courts have ordered them to, still refused to follow them!
And you tell us, there is nothing wrong here! Do you really expect us to believe this? People who wish to live their own lives totally ignorant of the horrendous goings on around them, and wish to bury their heads in the sand are just as guilty as the ones perpetrating the crimes.
Wake up, read the documents, look at the pictures, look around you, and then take a good long look at yourself in the mirror, and tell yourself honestly if you can truly live with yourself knowing you are defending the cruel, evil situations going on at these Kern County Hell Hole Dungeons!
Joy Ray
RAYning Catts N' Doggs
What's next?
How can we (rescue people)
fight the bad pet owners AND the bad shelters people?
The entire staff MUST be fired!
Why are they still working there?
How many of you have the same image of this woman that I do?
I can see her now.......
Fat! Not in touch with the pain of hunger.
She eats all the time!
She's a glutten
Ugly, oh she's gotta be ugly! why should she look good?
She's BAD!
Stupid! Yeah, she's stupid all right!
Give her the needle, toss her down the chute!
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